Linda Haugvik

Linda Haugvik competes in the dog sports disciplines of agility, rally obedience and slamming with Ika and Dicte, two active Parson Russell Terriers.

Ika is Norwegian agility champion, Norwegian jumping champion and Norwegian rally obedience champion and little sister Dicte is Norwegian jumping champion and Norwegian agility champion. Both have participated in the National Championship and have been qualified for national team selection. Linda and the dogs compete in the highest classes both in agility, class 3, and in rally obedience, elite. In addition, we engage in slaps, blood trails and other search exercises, while they play with fun tricks and obedience exercises. Both like speed and excitement and even though they are small, they are strong and persistent and can pull both skis and kick bikes. Should one keep up with the top in e.g. agility, they must have strong bodies and therefore train variedly, to maintain strength and agility.


The dogs love to work on various tasks and therefore depend on a feed that works well for both body and brain, which they have through eating Appetitt.

We are proud to have Appetitt with us in our further efforts towards new goals!


Flere ambassadører

En av våre ambassadører Bertil Nyheim

Bertil Nyheim

Bertil Nyheim er profesjonell hundetrener og driver av Nyheim Hunde- og Fritidssenter. I tillegg driver han oppdrett av jakthunder!

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Kennel Vintervidda

Kennel Vintervidda består av Christian Lauluten og Per Ola Wahlquist som driver oppdrett av Finsk Lapphund, Lapsk Vallhund, Svensk Lapphund

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