Kennel Courtborne

Kennel Courtborne consists of Rita, Steinar, Kristin and Jørgen. The kennel received its presifix in 1980, but had had a few litters with Fox terriers and Salukis before this. We are very proud of our honorary prize as a breeder from the Norwegian Kennel Club, which was presented to us in 2018. Kennel Courtborne has to date bred over 45 champions in the following branches: exhibition, AG jumping and Lure Coursing. We were the first Norwegian breeder to showcase their breeding at the world’s largest dog show, Cruft’s. From there we have best male dog and BIM and the same dog became GB CH a little later, as Norway’s only one! We have had the pleasure of presenting Norway’s most winning whippet. Breed winner of the year NKK 4 times. Breed winner in the breed club 7 times. Breeder of the year 9 times. Breed winners in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Belgium, Luxenburg, Slovenia and Iceland. Dog of the year in Iceland 2006. The start was Saluki, there we have 6 litters. 13 champions. Breeder of the year 2 times (2010 – 2011). But the biggest thing in this breed is probably when one of our offspring became breeding dog of the year in NKK, the year 2017. This year’s breed winner 2 times.

We are proud to be part of Team Appetitt. Our wish is that almost everything our dogs eat are Norwegian, short-traveled products, which Appetitt is with its 85% Norwegian ingredients. We want the best from our dogs in training and in competitions. Whether it’s an exhibition or a race!

Follow us on Facebook here and read more about Kennel Courtborne her!



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